Public Transportation

Unmet Transit Needs

2024-25 Unmet Transit Needs Report
2024-25 Unmet Transit Needs Staff Report

Plans and Studies

GET Long-Range Transit Plan 2024
Eastern Sierra Transit Authority Short-Range Transit Plan & Coordinated Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan 2022
GET Short Range Transit Plan 2022
GET Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan 2020
Kern County Rural Alternative Transportation Plan 2020
Kern County Electric Vehicle Charging Station Blueprint 2019
GET Study of Best Practices Regarding Alternatives to Traditional Fixed Route Transit Services 2018
Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan 2018
Opportunities for Shared-Use Mobility Services in Rural Disadvantaged Communities in California’s San Joaquin Valley: Existing Conditions and Conceptual Program Development 2017
Metropolitan Bakersfield Transit Center Study 2015
Commuter Rail Feasibility Study 2012
High Occupancy Vehicle/Bus Rapid Transit (HOV/BRT) Study 2012
JARC/NF Program Management Plan 2010
Eastern Sierra Public Transportation Study 2005
Regional Rural Transportation Strategy 2003
Metropolitan Bakersfield Fixed Guideway Passenger System 1991


Transportation Development Plans


A Transportation Development Plan (TDP) updates a municipal or county operated transit system’s goals and objectives, develops service alternatives, provides funding estimates, and produces a plan to implement recommended service improvements for a five-year period.




The ability for transit agencies to provide services continues to grow more challenging. Therefore, the vision to the year 2030 must change in light of the changes in technology, community needs, regulations, funding opportunities, minimum wage increases, changes to traditional funding streams and other drivers of change. These changes do not have to be obstacles, if the transit agencies are able to successfully navigate the changes.

Kern COG understands that the primary mission of transit agencies is to move people from one place to another safely, efficiently. Technology over the past decade has developed to where zero emission transit buses – battery electric and fuel cell – are becoming a viable option for transit fleets of all sizes. Additionally, transit agencies are increasingly turning to mobile apps and shared mobility options as a means to carrying out their public transportation mission.

TRANSITions Transit Symposiums have been held annually since 2018 to bring together transit agencies with the California Air Resources Board, technology experts, funding program managers, pilot project managers, and vendors to discuss how we can work to advance clean, safe, efficient public transportation.

TRANSITions Post Event report 2024
TRANSITions Post Event shares 2023
TRANSITions presentations 2023
TRANSITions program 2022
TRANSITions presentations 2022
TRANSITions presentations 2021
TRANSITions video 2021
TRANSITions program 2020
TRANSITions presentations 2020
TRANSITions program 2019
TRANSITions presentations 2019


Transit Asset Management Plans


Every agency must develop a Transit Asset Management Plan (TAM) if it owns, operates, or manages capital assets used to provide public transportation and receives federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 as a recipient or sub-recipient. Each transit provider must designate an Accountable Executive (49 CFR 625.5) to ensure appropriate resources for implementing the agency’s TAM Plan and the Transit Agency Safety Plan. Golden Empire Transit District and the City of Delano, both designated by the Federal Transit Administration as urbanized area recipients of Federal Transit Administration funds, prepared a TAM Plan and memorialized the Plan with Kern Council of Governments through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).



California City


Golden Empire Transit District

Kern Transit






Triennial Performance Audits


A Triennial Performance Audit is designed to be an independent and objective evaluation of the recipients of Transit Development Act (TDA) Article 4 funding as a public transit operator, providing operator management with information on the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of its programs across the prior three fiscal years.


Triennial Performance Audits Fiscal Years 2018/19 – 2020/21


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