San Joaquin Valley Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) is a State of California funded grant program to help regions and jurisdictions with planning activities to meet the sixth cycle of the regional housing needs assessment, and to spur affordable housing production.
Visit the SJV REAP Website for workshops, technical assistance, case studies and other resources.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is required to allocate the region’s share of the statewide housing need to Councils of Governments (COG) based on Department of Finance (DOF) population projections and regional population forecasts used in preparing regional transportation plans. Kern COG, acting in the capacity as the state designated Regional Planning Agency, has the responsibility of developing the state-mandated Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) Plan.
The RHNA process will identify the number of housing units that each local government must accommodate in the Housing Element of its General Plan (Government Code §65584). As part of the region’s planning efforts, Kern COG works with local governments and stakeholders on the RHNA Plan. Kern COG identifies areas within the region sufficient to house an eight and a half year projection of the regional housing need. Additionally, the RHNA allocates housing units within the region consistent with the development pattern included in the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), and is part of the Regional Transportation Plan. The development of Kern COG’s 2022 RTP/SCS will happen in tandem with the 6th Cycle RHNA Plan.
RHNA Development Schedule
The development of the 6th Cycle RHNA Plan commenced in Spring 2021. This page will have updates on the RHNA development, draft and final plans, and other information. Updates will also be provided during Regional Planning Advisory Meetings and Transportation Planning Policy Committee Meetings.
- Kern COG Regional Housing Needs Online Mapping Tool – Staff and Rincon Consultants are developing and maintaining a publicly viewable online mapping application, which will allow users to view the proposed RHNA unit allocations for each jurisdiction and to explore specific parcels to evaluate the potential number of units a parcel could support.
July 2022
April – June 2022
- Staff and RHNA consultants work on draft RHNA Plan
- 45-day Jurisdictional Review and Appeal Period of Draft 6th Cycle RHNA Plan from April 22, 2022 to June 6, 2022 – Comment period now closed.
- 5-27-22 Addendum Draft RHNA Table Format Change – shows the RHNA allocations by all four income categories for each jurisdiction as requested by HCD
- Jurisdictional Comments from the City of Bakersfield and City of Wasco
March 2022
February 2022
January 2022
- Staff and RHNA consultants work on draft RHNA Plan
November 2021 – December 2021
- November 3rd – Public Roundtable Meeting on Draft RHNA Methodology – Save the Date
October 2021
- Present to RPAC and TPPC – Draft RHNA Methodology
September 2021
- Present to RPAC and TPPC – RHNA adjustment factors and objectives
August 2021
- 6th cycle RHNA introduction and development schedule discussion at the Roundtable Stakeholder Meeting #2
- Member Jurisdictional Survey August 25, 2021 – September 8, 2021
- Commence Draft RHNA Methodology Development
July 2021
- Kern COG has contracted with Regional Government Services Authority (RGS), Rincon Consultants, Inc. and Mintier Harnish Planning Consultants to assist with the development of the 6th Cycle RHNA Plan
RHNA Cycles
→ If you would like to sign up to be on the Kern RHNA mailing list, please email: Rochelle Invina-Jayasiri,
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Links and Information
Regional Housing Needs Allocation
Local Early Action Planning (LEAP)
Housing Elements
Annual Progress Reports (APR) including link to APR Dashboard
Active Funding Programs
Kern Regional Housing Data Report