On September 30, 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger signed SB 375 into law. SB 375 was introduced as a result of AB 32, the climate change legislation signed into California law in 2006. SB 375 builds on the existing regional transportation planning process to connect the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cars and light trucks to land use and transportation policy. SB 375 requires all Metropolitan Planning Organizations, such as Kern COG, to update their Regional Transportation Plans so that resulting development patterns and supporting transportation networks can reduce GHG emissions by the amounts set by the California Air Resources Board.

The Kern Climate Change Task Force was formed in 2009 to assist Kern COG and its member agencies to meet the goals and objectives of Senate Bill No. 375 (SB 375).  The Kern Climate Change Task Force was folded into the Transportation Modeling Committee in 2010.

Minutes, Agendas, and handouts for the Kern Climate Change Task Force are available on the Regional Planning Adivsory Committee page.

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