Bakersfield Beautiful

  • January 2017 Crew 2-Bags 600. They completed 122 on and off ramps, plus several days of backsides
  • February 2017 Crew 2-Bags 632. They completed 121 on and off ramps plus backsides
  • March 2017 Crew 2- Bags 647 and 1 truck load. They completed 128 on and off ramps

The Crew is made up of 6 individuals working Monday thru Friday 8:00AM-2:30 PM with a working perimeter of Hwy 99 South Bound to Panama Rd and North Bound to Airport; Hwy 58 East Bound Fairfax to West Bound Union 178 Union; and Hwy 178 East Bound to Fairfax and West Bound to 99 Freeway.

Updated 4/10/17

Caltrans work crew

  • Our current contract with Caltrans commenced on February 28, 2016.
  • Since then the Caltrans work crew has completed over 195 site jobs.
  • Roughly 264 miles of Kern Highways have been beautified.
  • Over 1542 hours for detention deputies were worked (1542 x 5 inmates = 7,710 man hours of labor).
  • The Caltrans work crew has saved the County over $204,006 in cleanup of Kern highways. (7,710 man hours of labor x 26.46 hourly rate).
  • So far, the Caltrans work crew has logged over 493 tons of garbage and debris.

Kern COG work crew

  • We have just begun our fourth quarter in the 2016/2017 FY. This is our third contract with Kern COG.
  • Since July 2016 there have been over 100 job sites covering over 257 miles for the Kern COG work crew.
  • Roughly 795 hours for detentions deputies have been worked toward “Keep Kern Clean”. (795 detentions deputy hours x 6 inmates = 4770 man hours of labor)
  • Over 257 miles of Kern Highways have been beautified saving the County over $126,214. ( 4770 man hours x 26.46 hourly rate)
  • The target areas that have been cleaned in Kern County are: Bakersfield, Delano, McFarland, Shafter, Wasco, and Arvin.


  • Together, there have been almost 300 job sites completed.
  • Over 520 miles of Kern highways have been cleaned up and beautified.
  • Roughly 2337 hours for detentions deputies were worked. (2337 detentions deputy hours x 6 inmates = 14,022 man hours of labor)
  • Combined, The Caltrans work crew and Kern COG work crews have saved the county over $330,220. (14,022 man hours x 26.46 hourly rate)

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