Kern COG works in cooperation with various state agencies and other planning organizations throughout the San Joaquin Valley to ensure a coordinated approach to transportation planning. Kern COG is a member of several regional collaboratives that work together to address regional issues.

San Joaquin Valley Transportation Planning Agencies

Eight federally designated Metropolitan Planning Associations, including Kern COG, and two Rural Transportation Planning Agencies coordinate efforts to address transportation and air quality issues that impact the entire valley. In 1991, the San Joaquin Valley TPA Directors began meeting regularly to discuss and develop strategies to address state and federal air quality/transportation issues. The eight transportation planning agencies have entered into a joint memorandum of understanding for the purposes of coordinating transportation planning activities. A second MOU exists among the eight TPAs and the Air District for the purposes of coordinating transportation/air quality planning activities.

Eastern California Transportation Planning Partnership

The Eastern California Transportation Planning Partnership comprises representatives from Kern, Inyo, Mono and San Bernardino counties and Southern California Association of Governments. It is intended to address transportation corridors of mutual concern, such as State Routes 14, 58 and U.S. 395. Route improvements in eastern California will ensure that vital tourism, public transportation and freight movement interests among all regions are properly addressed over the next several decades. The partnership was created by a memorandum of understanding in July, 2002.

For information on the role of various agencies, visit the links below:

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