2024 Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Blueprint Update 

The 2024 Kern Electric Vehicle Charging Station Blueprint will address the following topics in the 2019 Kern EVCS Blueprint: report on the implementation of the 2019 Kern EVCS Blueprint and the current inventory of EV charging infrastructure in Kern County, examine and update the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (EVI) gaps and siting analysis (EVCS deployment schedule, and locations), revisit the goals and strategies to develop a 5-year plan for the deployment of EV Charging Stations for Light-Duty Vehicles in Kern County communities, examine opportunities and recommend how Kern COG, its member agencies, and the Kern County community can best take advantage of the numerous local, state, and federal funding opportunities. The scheduled completion of the Blueprint Update is June 2024.

We need your input regarding electric vehicle charging in our community! 

Please stay tune for updates…

Kern Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Blueprint

The purpose of the Kern Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Blueprint is to accelerate the deployment of zero emission transportation to help reach Kern COG 2018 Regional Transportation Plan air quality goals. Kern COG was awarded a grant of $200,000 from the California Energy Commission to create a Kern EVCS Blueprint. Kern COG staff, the consultant Center for Sustainable Energy and the Kern EVCS Work Group (WG) are working to complete a draft Kern EVCS Blueprint in March 2019 and a completed Blueprint in May 2019.


The Kern EVCS WG is tasked with the following work:

  • Review documents and provide or process information between the meetings
  • Set goals for EV infrastructure and vehicle deployment throughout Kern County
  • Review and accept the project selection methodology for up to 12 projects incorporated in the plan
  • Distribute and/or identify contacts for the distribution of a Kern EV Blueprint toolkit
  • Kern COG member agencies are also invited to provide input to the EVCS Blueprint as above.


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